SafeHire Certification Scheme

The SafeHire Certification Scheme is a private standard created by and written for the hire industry with the help and guidance of British Standards Institute (BSi) with support from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Following an extensive consultation period, in 2018 the HAE EHA Board (comprising representatives from micro, small and medium sized businesses, national and international hire organisations) took the decision for SafeHire to be made a mandatory requirement of membership with the Hire Association.
Members achieving SafeHire Certification will:
Not just a desktop exercise
Written by the industry for the industry
Auditors have worked in the industry and have first hand experience
All key areas of the business covered; equipment, processes and procedures, policies, hygiene, environmental, vehicles, employee safety, customer
All depots audited every 3 years – findings in one depot rolled out to all
A certification programme that can assist published tenders supported by ssip*
HAE EHA Certification Services is a registered member of Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP). Members, when audited for SafeHire Certification, have the option to register with SSIP providing they can demonstrate they’ve met the core criteria requirements for SSIP Approval. Here’s how the options break down:
Process for SafeHire Certification
Process for SafeHire Certification with
SSIP Registration
* Hire Certification Services will provide assistance with SSIP audit processes.

Get in Touch
To find out more about SafeHire, SSIP and how to get your organisation audited for certification you can contact the team on 0121 380 4602, or